
An online, searchable database of auto-mechanic stores


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In the tweets of Teju Cole, “The basic question which no public event alters: how can I, myself, in my limited sphere of influence, be more just?” I will extend that to include not just being just but doing the best you can within your level of skill and expertise to make a positive impression in whatever environment or situation you find yourself. We will not all change the world. But we can all make differences however small or remote in the little spheres of influences we command. This is one of my guiding principles. That with the skills I have acquired and with the vast inter-connectivity afforded by latest trends in information technology, I will ensure that while nurturing lofty dreams of changing the world I make a positive impact on my immediate environment. With every little step, every job properly executed, every person positively influenced, we are not only rewarded personally and financially, we are well on way to changing the world we live in for better.

Are you not inspired? :) Now click the link below to view my resume and let us change the world for better!


(+234) 806 731 405


Somewhere in Agege
Lagos, TN 100215